Shipping & Delivery Policy

At SKDigital Solution, we are committed to delivering our digital marketing services efficiently and effectively. As our services are primarily digital, this policy outlines how our deliverables are managed, ensuring that you receive the highest quality service in a timely manner.

Delivery of Digital Marketing Services

  1. Service Delivery Timeline:
    • The delivery timeline for our digital marketing services will be specified in the service agreement. Typical timelines vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project.
    • Regular updates and milestones will be communicated to keep you informed about the progress of your project.
  2. Method of Delivery:
    • All digital deliverables, including reports, strategies, campaign materials, and other digital assets, will be delivered electronically via email, cloud storage links, or through our project management platform.
    • Clients will receive notifications and instructions on how to access and utilize the delivered materials.
  3. Access to Services:
    • For ongoing services such as SEO, social media management, and PPC campaigns, clients will have access to real-time data and performance metrics through our reporting tools and dashboards.
    • Any login credentials or access information required for third-party platforms will be provided securely.

Delivery Issues and Resolutions

  1. Delays and Issues:
    • In the event of any delays or issues with the delivery of services or materials, SKDigital Solution will promptly notify the client and provide an updated timeline or resolution plan.
    • We strive to address and resolve any issues as quickly as possible to ensure client satisfaction.
  2. Client Responsibilities:
    • Clients are responsible for providing accurate contact information, delivery details, and any required approvals or inputs in a timely manner to facilitate smooth service delivery.
    • Any changes to the project scope or delivery requirements should be communicated promptly to avoid delays.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding our Shipping & Delivery Policy, please contact us:

Thank you for choosing SKDigital Solution for your digital marketing needs. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional service and support.